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Baldwyn Lowick Lodge No: 7004 EC Annual installation

Innovation proves a success a rousing success

On Saturday 3rd March 2018 Worshipful Brother Dr. Suresh Marcandan was installed in the Chair of King Solomon by the Installing Master W. Bro. Russell Stuart according to all antient rites and customs.

The installation was well attend including R. W. Bro. YB Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, our District Grand Master for District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago (DGLEA. For the banquet afterwards 135 guests attend including thirty (30) good ladies and guests.

The District Grand Lodge of the Middle East (Scottish Constitution) and the Provincial Grand Lodge of SE Asia (Irish Constitution) were ably represented by Bro. John Tan and W. Bro. Jayakrishnan Nambiar, respectively.

The installation was well attend including R. W. Bro. YB Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, our District Grand Master for District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago (DGLEA) along with 135 guests which included the attendance of thirty Ladies

Baldwyn Lodge was further honoured by representatives from the District Grand Lodge of the Middle East (Scottish Constitution) and the Provincial Grand Lodge of SE Asia (Irish Constitution) in the persons of Bro. John Tan and W. Bro. Jayakrishnan Nambiar, respectively.

Those who attended were fortunate to witness a “new ground” introduced by the Brethren of Baldwyn Lowick Lodge that from all accounts proved to be a rousing success.

The banquet commenced at 8:00 PM with a five course Western menu. Music was provided through the five piece live band of ‘Music & Magic’ with their rendering of perennial favourites such as 1970’s hits.

The “new ground” spoken of was for that for the first time the good Ladies of Baldwyn and those of visiting brethren were invited to the installation banquet.

While the installation ceremony was in progress the ‘Ladies of Baldwyn’ organised a lively three hour session of entertainment. The entertainment included interactive games such as charades, a sing-a-long, tutoring on line-dancing and a lecture on “Thalassaemia” (delivered by Dr. Indrani Vijayakumar). Music was provided by Music & Magic. From all reports the Ladies had a very enjoyable time.

All agreed that the inclusion of the Ladies added a great deal of glamour to the event. The ‘Round-Table’ seating rather than the normal “Main Table with Legs” arrangement provided a great opportunity for the guests to mingle freely and warmly greet fellow brethren and guests. Yet another innovative addition was the inclusion of a PowerPoint slide show to introduce the line-up of officers for the year 2018/2019.

The feedback received was very encouraging and many of the guests commented that the latest additions added to the success of the event.

The Baldwyn Lowick Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Dr. Suresh Marcandan expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Officers of DGLEA and of Sister Constitutions and Sister Lodges as well as all other brethren and their good Ladies for honouring the Baldwyn Lodge with their presence and making it a memorable and enjoyable evening.

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