Venue: Lodge Elliot No. 3557 E.C., Malacca

Our R. W. Bro Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, District Grand Master of Eastern Archipelago and the Worshipful Masters and Past Masters from nine Lodges of the Southern Region along with the Royal Prince of Wales Lodge of the Northern Region performed an extraordinary and special second degree working.
This particular Worshipful Masters Night was indeed exceptional and had all the Brethren well regaled when our own District Grand Master was handed the gavel, the emblem of authority in the lodge, from W Bro Ananda Sundram Pillai the Worshipful Master of Negri Sembilan Lodge. Our DGM then then proceeded to invite the ten Worshipful Masters as well as Past Masters to take up their agreed offices for a Second Degree working for the passing of Brother Dr. Alvin Lum and Brother Max Missbichler. As expected the workings were performed with perfection.
This Worshipful Master’s Night was organized by the Negri Sembilan Lodge but held at the Elliot Lodge Building in Melaka by dispensation. This meeting was proposed by our Right Worshipful District Grand Master to encourage comradeship and fellowships across our lodges. From all the positive feedback from the Brethren in attendance there is no doubt it achieved that and more.
The officers for the night who proudly represented their respective Lodges were: