Venue: Dewan Freemason Negri Sembilan Lodge

Sounds of “Jingle Bells” and other perennial Christmas Caroling favorites along with the joyous sounds of children’s mirth and happiness could be heard throughout the Lodge when Negri Sembilan celebrated Christmas early with a lunch party with family and friends. There were around sixty happy people in attendance that included Brethren and their families, friends and potential candidates.
Merriment abounded not only with lots of Christmas Caroling but with a splendid array of food, party games all of which were wrapped in the warmth of close Masonic fellowship. In the true spirit of Brotherhood the families of Negri Sembilan Lodge and their invited guests of all faiths joined together for a fun filled afternoon to share tidings of joy and happiness.
We must give due thanks of appreciation to the organizers led by W Bro Fredrick Prerira that included Brothers Dr. Alvin Lum, Dr. Kuladeva, Puvaneswaran, Max Missbichler, Edwin, and W Bro Pretam.
Even our own distinguish member of N.S. Lodge R. W. Bro Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy swapped his usual District Grand Masters Masonic apron for one from the kitchen as he cooked up such delights as prawns and mutton bone curry. W Bro Ananda Pillai the Worshipful Master of Negri Sembilan Lodge served up his sumptuous rendition of mountain goat cooked South Indian style. Not to be left out was W Bro Joe Ragu who offered up his savory traditional mutton curry. It was definitely a memorable event for all. More importantly it was nice to see Brethren and their families enjoying themselves for the Holidays.