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Bahau School Breakfast Program was initiated in 2014 by Bro Dr Sreetharanathan who was the Charity Steward for that year. This was due to a request by Kelab Warga Emas Jempol to assist them in funding for the children SMK Bahau to cater the breakfast for the poor and deserving children for a minimum of thirty (30) children. Comprising almost equal number of children from all races be it Malays, Chinese, Indian and Orang Asli. Kelab Warga Emas Jempul took the responsibility of implementing the program to ensure the foods were distributed efficiently with the assistance of the Principal of SMK Bahau selecting the deserving children.

This program was continued till to date. For this year we have committed to feed a total number of sixty (60) children with the funds were contributed by MOL Brethren and Donations collected from visiting Brethren during the Installation Meeting of Mustapha Osman Lodge No 9859 EC in February 2018 :-

SMK Bahau School Breakfast Program attended by WM Raja Sundram, YB Teo Kok Seong (State Assemblyman-Bahau), Principal of SMK Bahau, Mr Adli Teo, Bro Dr Sreetharanathan (Charity Steward) and Brethren of Mustapha Osman Lodge and Teachers of SMK Bahau

Bro Imanuel Kochappan (Almoner)

A token of Appreciation were presented to all MOL Brethren who attended the event

All Children of SMK Bahau were presented with Deepavali Angpows sponsored by Kelab Warga Emas Jempol

Charity Steward, Dr Sreetharanathan receiving appreciation hamper from the Principal of SMK Bahau

Acknowledgement and thank you from the Principal of SMK Bahau

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