From left to right:
W. Bro. Anthony Stephen Downes, District Assistant Grand D of C
W. Bro. Varpal Singh Sagoo, District Assistant Grand D of C
W. Bro. Datuk Dr Lakshmanan Nachiappan, District Deputy Grand D of C
W. Bro. Raji Ramason, District Grand D of C
W. Bro. Saptak Santra, District Deputy Grand D of C
W. Bro. Tey Long Puang, District Senior Grand Warden
W. Bro. Dr. Senthuran Pathmalingam, District Assistant Grand D of C
This unique photo was taken shortly after the Annual Communication on 1st December 2018 at the Berjaya Resort, Langkawi.
It shows the District’s “DoC team” for 2018/19 as well as the outgoing Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro. Tey Long Puang, who was promoted to District Senior Grand Warden. W. Bro. Saptak Santra was promoted to District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies and W. Bro. Varpal Singh Sagoo (already familiar to many as the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in District Grand Chapter) joined the team as District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The District’s DoC team are responsible for escorting the District Rulers, both within the District and overseas, and for ensuring that all ceremonies are executed correctly, and all protocols followed at District Communications, Installation Ceremonies and District visitations. They also officiate at more rare occasions such as ceremonies that commemorate Lodge centenaries, foundation stone laying, temple and banner dedications.
Our District DOC’s polished performance throughout the year ensures that everything we do is done with an element of aplomb, dignity and decorum.