RM10,000.00 donation by District Grand Lodge to the Lovely Nursing Centre for 2019

Brethren with Dato’ Gopinath Rajamanikam (Director of the Lovely Nursing Centre)
The Lovely Nursing Centre, or Pusat Jagaan Orang-Orang Kurang Upaya Dan Terbiar Lovely, which is located in a bungalow premises at No. 7 SS 3/80 University Garden, Seaport, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, is a private caring home registered under the welfare department and cares for elderly orphans, the destitute, handicapped and mentally ill of all ethnic origins.
There are currently 65 occupants in the Centre, some of whom include elderly parents who have, quiet sadly, been abandoned by their own children.

Since the year 2009, our District Grand Lodge, through our Non-Masonic Charity Fund of our District Board of Benevolence, has had the invaluable opportunities to assist the needs of the Centre.
During the afternoon of Friday, 17th May 2019, our Right Worshipful District Grand Master Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, accompanied by our Deputy District Grand Master – V. W. Bro. Alan Tang Swee Kam, W. Bro. Dr. Nirmal Singh (President – District Board of General Purposes), W. Bro. Ahmalu Rajah Rajagopal (District Grand Secretary), W. Bro. Goh Seng Chuan (District Grand Charity Steward), W. Bro. Anthony Hubert Wilfred (District Assistant Grand Secretary), W. Bro. Dr. Sukhdev Singh Sra (Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee), together with members of our District Board of Benevolence – W. Bro. Michael Toh Ah Lau, W. Bro. Wu Chee Thutt and myself, had much pleasure to visit the Centre in order to present a cheque of RM10,000.00 to assist in the daily needs of the Centre for this year of 2019.

Our Right Worshipful District Grand Master and Brethren, after the presentation of the cheque of RM10,000.00 to Dato’ Gopinath Rajamanikam, who, together with his mom – Madam Thanaletchum, had founded the Centre to assist the community more than 30 years ago)

During the events of the foregoing mentioned day, our V. W. Bro. Alan Tang, like in prior years, was again most kind as to host a lunch for all of the occupants of the Centre, and our Right Worshipful District Grand Master and all of our Brethren present took the opportunity to serve the lunch to all of the occupants.

The Brethren again found The Lovely Nursing Centre to be a remarkable community nursing centre, built on the love, kindness and dedication of Madam Thanaletchumi and her son Dato’ Gopinath and supported by generous donors from the surrounding communities.