Presentation of aid of RM15,300.00 by Edward Holiday Lodge No. 7997 and District Grand Lodge to the

The "Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Terencat Akal Malaysia (IQ70plus)" - "Malaysian Association for the Welfare of Mentally Challenged Children", which is located at No. 118 Jalan Gasing, 46000 Petaing Jaya, Selangor, seeks to provide all-day comprehensive humane assistance for children and adults with mental disabilities such as autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Spastic Paralysis, mental retardation, blindness, deafness, learning difficulties and slow brain function, in order to help the parents and family members minimize the stresses of caring for a mentally challenged child.

The founder of IQ70plus, Mr. Chang Ming Kiet, had established the Association and the Home in March 2012, after his 3 year old son had succumbed to his own intellectual disabilities. Mr. Chang had felt personally responsible for not being able to have better provided a more conducive and disabled-friendly environment to his mentally challenged son when his son was still with him, and his grief and his realization that he could have done so much more eventually motivated him to start the Home to take better care of mentally challenged children in our society. Beginning with the care of 6 mentally challenged children in the year 2012, the Home now accommodates and cares for more than 40 children and adults with mental disabilities.
The Worshipful Master - W. Bro. Siew Kian Wah, together with the Brethren of our Edward Holiday Lodge No. 7997, were deeply inspired by the noble efforts of the Home as well as by the untiring and dedicated endeavours of Mr. Chang to assist those less fortunate than us, that at the request of the Bro. Charity Steward, W. Bro. Yeow Ewe Hor, a target of RM15,000 was established by the Lodge to be raised in order to assist the Association to defray its daily operating costs.

In a short span of time, 35 of the Brethren of the Lodge answered this call of charity, with each Brother contributing RM300.00 and a total of RM 10,500.00 was raised.
The Bro. Almoner - W. Bro. Dr. Wong Swee Min, then sincerely petitioned the District Board of Benevolence, through the Liaison Member - W. Bro. Michael Toh Ah Lou, to consider assisting the Lodge to afford aid to the Home, and so inspired were all of the members of the Board with the selfless and charitable works of our Brethren of Edward Holiday Lodge No. 7997, that the Board resolved to donated RM 4,800.00 towards this meaningful act of aid and assistance.
On 12th December 2018, the Worshipful Master of Edward Holiday Lodge No. 7997 - W. Bro. Siew Kian Wah, together with Brethren of the Lodge - W. Bro. Eric Wong Wah Chong (Bro. Secretary), W. Bro. Roy Tan Ching Ngat (Past President of DBB), W. Bro. Chia Chiang Hua, W. Bro. Francis Liew Yan Sin ( W. Bro. IPM), W. Bro. Dr. Wong Swee Min (Bro. Almoner) and W. Bro. Cheah Thin Soo (Bro. Treasurer) accompanied by the members of the District Board of Benevolence - W. Bro. Michael Toh and W. Bro. Dr. Kenneth Khoo (President), had much pleasure to present the cheque of RM15,300.00 as a donation to the founder of the Home - Mr. Chang Ming Kiet, as well as had the great honor to tour the Home and to spend some time with the children.

It was indeed a most wonderful and meaningful day for all of the Brethren who were present - not only was it so humbling a privilege to have had the opportunity to spend some time with the children of the Home and to have been able to avail of themselves of the moment to practice that distinguishing characteristic of the Freemason-s Heart in aid of the less fortunate, the Worshipful Master was so very kind as to have hosted all of the Brethren for a sumptuous lunch thereafter, a meal accompanied with lots of felicitations, happiness and much laughter, as is always so customary amongest Brethren when they are together with each other.