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“Charity bestows a double blessing, for like its sister Mercy, it blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”

11 July 2019 IPOH, PERAK

The Kinta Charity Committee for the year 2019 / 2020 having identified that a school in their community, Sekolah Kenbangsaan Guru Kalgishar, located at Jalan Guntong was in urgent need of proper classroom furniture went to work to raise the needed funds. A total of RM 11,600 was raised to purchase sixty two (62) sets of tables and chairs. Any money left over will be used to further much needed improvements.

After some hard bargaining and playing on his charitable nature and generosity the supplier provided free of charge (5) tables and ten (10) benches for the canteen. The delivery was made on the 11th of July 2019.

The School is located at Jalan Guntong. The registered proprietor of the school is Persatuan Guru Kalgidhar Diwan Malaysia of No. 55 Jalan Sungai Pari Ipoh 30100, Ipoh (1984) PPM-005-08-17041986 which is a society registered under the Societies Act 1966. The school is a primary school and conducts classes from early morning till 1 pm. There are approximately 80 students.

As the land is freehold and is not gazetted as a school but rather as ‘Building’ the school receives no aid from the Government. We are informed that unless the Land is transferred to the State the Government they will not pay for the furniture.

Several significant issues found.

On 12.04. 2019, Brother Junior Warden Raj Paramjothy and W. Bro. Nathan Eliatamby visited shortly after school had let out at around 1pm.

Firstly we found that new tables and chairs for the students were immediately required.

Next we observed the huge trees had over the years grown above the canteen and pose a serious danger to life and property. The building itself showed signs of dilapidation and is in need of repair and upgrade. This was evident by the state of the toilets that require updating as well as areas in the roof that show signs of leakage, as well as some of the fans and lights in the class room do not work.

Surely we as Masons and the Brethren of Kinta Lodge could and did come together so as to provide for a more safe and conducive environment for these 80+ students who go to school there.

While much has been done to improve the furniture and promises have been made to resolve the danger of the over grown trees we know there is more work to be done.

Full Report on our Findings and Status to rectify

  1. The school was much in need of proper classroom furniture such as tables and chairs that match. The chairs are either too high or too low for the table. As can be seen from the pictures in some class rooms plastic chairs are used.

A Picture speaks a thousand words.

At first it didn’t look too bad however when you think of having to bend over to work and your thighs touching the desk it cannot be comfortable. You are either too near or too far from the table. We were informed that sitting on such chairs day in day out makes concentration difficult. Many of the tables and chairs were extremely old and are required to be replaced. As can be seen from the picture above and below the furniture is greatly dated.

We managed to raise a total of RM11,600.00 and have spent the sum of RM10,000.00 to purchase 62 sets of table and chairs for the class room after some hard bargaining. The supplier was also generous enough to supply 5 tables and 10 benches for the canteen. The delivery was made on 11.07.2019.

The generous supplier Mr. Wong

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