It is the practice of benevolence and charity which sets us apart from the outside world
It now remains for those Brethren of this District who have yet to support this worthy and meaningful project so as to keep unsullied that truly Masonic jewel namely, Charity
The District Grand Charity Breast Jewel became available on 12th April 2019 after several months of design and development work. Whilst the Brethren’s participation rate has been encouraging, it could indeed be a lot better. We believed that there was a need to create more awareness with further promotions. The Annual Communication in Ipoh held on the 7th of December was selected to launch the program.

The idea of this District Grand Charity (DGC) Breast Jewel dated back some years ago, when the District Board of Benevolence was faced with the inability to meet the educational needs of less fortunate students across some parts of the District, but especially Singapore. It was identified that Singapore required their own foundation to be established similar to that of the Joseph William Yee Eu foundation established in Malaysia for that purpose.
After the establishment of the new Singapore foundation, that was launched at the half Yearly Communication on 8th June 2019 in Singapore by the RW Bro. Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy the District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Eastern Archipelago, plans were underway to collect money to help fund the new foundation. One such plan was the launch of a District Grand Charity Breast Jewel that allowed the members of our District to voluntarily purchase a charity jewel to be worn on their breast when attending Lodge meetings. This plan was well received, and we went ahead to produce the first edition of our DGC Breast Jewel consisting of 300 pieces of Bronze, 100 of Silver and 50 of Gold.
The design of DGC Breast Jewel comprises the working hands of a Freemason embracing the two great though emblematical lights of our noble Order – the Square, which impresses upon us the morality of kindness to others, and the Compasses, our spiritual and intellectual obligation in aid of humanity. The ribbon, comprising the color of ‘sky blue’, is the Masonic color of perfection, and acknowledges a Freemason’s daily pursuit of its fulfillment. Above the DGC Breast Jewel is the colored metal bar of either Bronze, Silver or Gold which evidences the noble purpose which the contributions of our Brethren are directed towards – “Charity”.

As you are most probably aware, that for the first time in the 160 years history of our District Grand Lodge, we are truly proud to be given this opportunity to have our own District Grand Charity Breast Jewel, most kindly approved by the Most Worshipful Grand Masters’ Council.
The Jewel evidences the sincere mark of acknowledgement by the United Grand Lodge of England of a Brother’s lasting commitment to charity and to the craft. Please Brethren who have yet to contribute, you are strongly urged to consider doing so.
You may also pledge a particular amount to be contributed over a period of 3 years (until 1st June 2022). Pledge Forms are available on your table. More forms are available from Brother Charity Stewards present at tonight’s event.
This first edition of our District Grand Charity Breast Jewels is available in the following manner:
300 Bronze Jewels –each for a contribution of RM3,000 (S$1,000)
100 Silver Jewels - each for a contribution of RM6,000 (S$2.000)
50 Gold Jewels – each for a contribution of RM10,000 (S$3,330)

Correct way to wear the Charity Jewel. As always, the Holy Royal Arch Jewel is to be worn closest to the center of the body (on the left breast), followed by the Tercentenary Jewel, and it is recommended that the District Grand Charity Breast Jewel is worn after the Tercentenary Jewel during the meetings of all of our Lodges in our District. The DGC Breast Jewel is part of the Masonic Regalia.
The funds which we contribute towards the District Grand Charity Breast Jewel will be received by our District Grand Charity which will then be dispersed to our afflicted Brethren and their family members as well as to non-Masonic charities. The recently launched new Charity Foundation in Singapore will be one of the recipients of the funds raised.
All contributions towards the District Grand Charity Breast Jewel will be acknowledged in full by District Grand Charity in the respective Brother’s individual District Grand Charity Certificate which will be presented to him in open Lodge from time to time as a mark of sincere appreciation and gratitude.
As Freemasons, we are expected to always seek the relief and consolation our fellow mortals during our moments of their affliction, regardless of where they are located. It is this practice of benevolence and charity which sets us apart from the outside world and makes us better men in the process. Over the course of the last 25 years, the overwhelming financial and other assistance and continuous support rendered by the Brethren of the District have enabled the Joseph William Yee Eu Foundation to continue to achieve its noble objective to fund the education of underprivileged and deserving children. It is because of all of your collective generosities and selfless hearts that many of these deserving recipients have gone on to graduate as medical doctors, PHD holders, pharmacists, computer science graduates, chemical engineers, accountants, just to name a few.
The Brethren in our District have proven to the outside world, time and time again, that their natural kindness and charitable hearts in aid of the less fortunate know no bounds when they contributed S$70k to aid the victims of the Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004), S$115K to aid victims of the Myanmar “Nargis” cyclone disaster(2008), S$66K to aid victims of the floods in Sri Lanka (2017) and Kerala, India (2018) and much more.
It now remains for those Brethren of the District who have yet to pledge to participate and support this worthy and meaningful project and practice that truly Masonic virtue which has always been promoted: Charity. Our RWDGM looks forward to seeing our Brethren wear their DGC Breast Jewel with sincere esteem and affection.
On behalf of our District Grand Master, RW Bro Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy the President of the District Grand Charity and all the members, allow me to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to every brother in anticipation of the natural kindness and compassion towards this noble purpose and the truly masonic virtue of Charity.