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8.30 pm 30 April 2020 via Zoom

Across the Breadth and Depth of the DGLEA and DGCEA

Toasts to Brethren / Companions

Conferred Grand Ranks 2020

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic and since mid-March all District Lodges have been closed and all Brethren ordered to physically (isolate) quarantine themselves and stay at home. However the members of the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago and the District Grand Chapter of the Eastern Archipelago were not to be denied when it came to Congratulating their fellow Brethren and Companions who received promotions in and appointments to Grand Rank in both Craft and Royal Arch Chapter of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Taking full advantage of today’s video conferencing technology our District Grand Master RW Brother and ME Companion Grand Superintendent Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy invited a “few” of the Brethren and Companions to join him (to) in a toast to members who recently received Grand Rank. The response was outstanding, touching on 100 happy and joyous Masons attending this one of a kind video conference. Many more were knocking at the virtual door but the “Tyler” wouldn’t let them in as the maximum number had been reached. If not for that limitation we may have seen 150 Brethren participating.

The Toasts Proposed and so warmly responded to by all the Brethren in attendance were:

1. To the MW Grand Master : proposed by RWDGM

2. To the Brethren conferred Craft Grand Ranks :

proposed by RWDGM

Initial Ranks : WBro N Rajasegaran

WBro Nirmal Singh

WBro Ho Kam Moon

Promotion : WBro Yeoh Sin Hock

3. Companions conferred Chapter Grand Ranks :

proposed by ME GS

Initial Ranks : EComp Jacob Pang

EComp Raji Ramason

EComp Tangga Peragasam

Promotion : EComp Samuel Chin Kok Foo

4. All Grand Officers of UGLE :

proposed by WBro N Rajasegaran

5. All Senior Brethren recognizing Seniors day on 01 May 2020 : Proposed by WBro Nirmal Singh

6. WBro Babu Singh as he celebrated his Centenary birthday on 04 March 2020 : proposed by W Bro Edmund Wong

7. All members of DGLEA and DGCEA :

proposed by WBro/EComp K Karunamoorthy

8. All Brethren and their Families:

proposed by WBro Harwant Singh

9. All Absent Brethren : WBro M Vijendran who gave the toast (a word perfect rendition of the) as follows:

Architect, for Thy protection

Now we humbly pray;

Guard and comfort all our Brethren

Far away.

Grant that, we, in true remembrance

May not be remiss;

Let them know that in this hour ‘tis

Them we miss.

If their absence be through wand’ring

Or through grieve or pain,

Bless them, heal them, bring them to us

Safe again.

District Grand Master RW Brother/ME. Companion Grand Superintendent Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy

Our DGLEA and DGCEA Members Rasing Their Glasses High

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