A Night of Generosity: Charity at Ladies’ Night
On 11th October 2024, Lodge Elliot No. 3557 E.C. held its Ladies’ Night, during which a charity call was made, and donations were collected.
At the event, the MeeCee presented a PDF detailing how Lodge Elliot No. 3557 E.C. has utilized its Lodge Charity Fund to make a donation to the Pusat Kanak-Kanak Terencat Akal Bahagia (Happiness Centre) in Melaka, Malaysia. Following the presentation, RM1,600 was raised during the Ladies’ Night, which will go towards the second phase of the donation to the Happiness Centre.

Charity is always a priority for Freemasons, and as Ashlar, we are proud to report on this worthy cause.
The information below is sourced from the presentation given during Ladies' Night:

To learn more about the Happiness Centre, please click on this link to visit their website.