A Home for The Angels Crisis Home for Abandoned Babies Foundation, Inc.
Manila, Philippines
15th September 2023
By: Bro. Romel Salavaria
Charity Steward
The Lodge Singapore 7178 EC
To a Freemason charity knows no boundaries ‘Save that of Prudence’ forms the basis by which we are actuated. This tenet was self-evident when the Brethren of The Lodge Singapore No. 7178 E.C embarked on a journey to extend a warm and helping Masonic hand in support of “A Home for the Angels” in the Philippines .

The institution was established on 14th February 1995. It was the noble a vision of the Honourable Lito Atienza and his wife Beng Atienza which by sheer determination, zeal and hard work became a reality as the institution worked to overcome the prevailing challenges brought about by the increasing cases of child abandonment, neglect and exploitation in their community. The Home for Angels organization is dedicated to provide shelter for the poor and cheerless children while waiting for placement in more permanent setting through the legal system.
We are happy to report that on the 9th August 2023, The Brethren of Lodge Singapore held a charity event at El Mesa, Clarke Quay, to garner support and presence of our fellow Brethren and our friends, all with one common objective- To help relieve the plight of those abandon babies. That night, Bro. Charity Steward Romel Salavaria, shared the 4 pillars of Charity; Time – to be present and to understand; Thoughts and Prayers – To remember others in need. Hope – To believe that there is a better tomorrow. And the last, Financial– to contribute even a fraction of our resources, no matter the amount to this worthy project. Upon which these 4 pillars stand is the Heart, that universal symbol of love and kindness upon which all Freemasons are motivated.
The ‘Angels’ may never know who we are, or what we have done, but to know that their lives will be forever touched and blessed in more ways that we can ever imagine, is what charity is all about. It is about the heart.

A photo taken after the successful Charity event with all the Brethren and ladies of The Lodge Singapore 7178.

Brethren and friends of Mason enjoying the night for a good cause.
Our vision was finally realised on the 15th September 2023, during the sojourn to A Home for the Angels. It was on this day that our hearts and lives were also touched and changed for the better. Perhaps we were the ones in need.

It was a very touching moment for all the Brethren as the Administrator shared some of the stories on how they found the abandoned babies.

Brethren of The Lodge Singapore No. 7178 personally presented our humble donation to the A Home for the Angels Crisis Home for Abandoned Babies Foundation, Inc. amounting to Php 320,000 in manager’s cheque, Php 9,000 in cash and Jollibee lunch for the children and staff amounting to Php 6,021. A total of Php 335,021 or SGD 8,106.85 has been thankfully received by the foundation.

Brethren assisted the children with their lunch….
While we were in Manila, we had a chance to visit and experienced the warm hospitality of our Brethren from Norberto Amoranto Lodge No. 358 of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines under the leadership of Worshipful Master Noel Bulaong. We were also invited to conduct an informal visit to Pulo ng Iilan Masonic Lodge No. 439 in Bulacan under Worshipful Master Nonie Pimentel.

A photo taken after the conferral and regular stated meeting of Norberto Amoranto Lodge #358 of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines with WM Noel Bulaong.

The Lodge Singapore 7178 together with the Brethren of Pulo ng Iilan Masonic Lodge #439 and WM Nonie Pimentel in front of their newly renovated Temple in Bulacan, Philippines.
On 7th October 2023, we also had a chance to visit the Down Syndrome Association of Singapore, a foundation personally chosen by our Worshipful Master Ritche Steven Morse. It is a non-profit social service agency established in 1995. Their main goal is to provide support and information to families of persons with Down Syndrome. Creating an oppurtunity for them to attain their full poterntial and to educate the public in all aspects of Down Syndrome.

The Lodge Singapore No. 7178 headed by Worshipful Master Ritche Steven Morse presenting to their administrator our humble donation amounting to $2,515. It was thankfully received by the foundation.

The foundation conducted a short briefing for us to have a better understanding of their program for the down syndrome persons.
This vision comes to life could not have been made possible without the willing hearts of our fellow Brethren, friends and new friends made along the way. For nothing can stand in the way of helping others in need. No matter how arduous the journey, we will overcome and come through for those who need it the most. May the Great Architect of the Universe continue to bless and guide us…So mote it be…
Bro. Romel Salavaria
Charity Steward
The Lodge Singapore No. 7178 E.C.