By W Bro Louis Ruehlmann

T’was the night before Christmas our lodge was having its meeting
When the WM gave us a warm fraternal Christmas greeting
Our candidate tonight he said with a pause
Was none other than ole’ Santa Claus
When outside the door there arose such a clatter
Even Past Masters awoke to see what was the matter
Away to the door all we flew without care
But our Inner guard held tight and stopped us right there
The master gave three knocks with his gavel
To restore order in the East lest the Brethren unravel
The Inner Guard knew as the Tyler did too
That knock, knock and knock was the right thing to do.
When the door was opened we were amazed what would appear
Twas a sleek looking sleigh and eight dashing reindeer
With a hood wink driver so lively and quick
We knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick
The obligation, the token and word were soon given and taken
All word perfect if I am not mistaken
Alas Santa’s initiation soon came to a close
As Our Brother recited the charge that gave us all such a lift
Even Santa remarked it was better than any gift he could gift.
Our festive board that night was like no other
Who would imagine we’d be toasting Santa as our Brother
His eyes twinkled as laughed Ho! Ho! Ho!
But as quickly he came must he quickly go!
Giving an EA salute he sprang to his sleigh
And when he parted we all heard him say
Now Light! Now Compass! Now Square and Plumb Rule!
On Chisel, On Gavel!, On Ruler and those wonderful working tools
A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
To my brethren Masons for showing me the light!
