Star of The North Priory & Preceptory responded to the needs of the Royal Malaysian Police.
CPO’s OFFICE at the Perak Police Headquarters, Ipoh
Those of us that are familiar with Freemasonry will know that appendant to the three degrees of the Craft or Blue Lodge are independent Masonic Orders that further promote Brotherly Love , Relief, Truth and inculcate good and wholesome moral values to their Members. One such Order is the Knights Templars. The Provincial Priory of South East Asia was consecrated by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Harold Devereux Still, G.C.T on 30th November 1991 with Right Eminent Knight Eidwin Frederick Mullan being installed as the Founder Provincial Prior. It currently has 274 subscribing members spread over three countries namely Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand operating out of five Preceptories with Right Eminent Knight Dr Brian Shegar as the Provincial Prior The Persatuan Kebajikan Bintang Utara (Star of The North Priory & Preceptory) responded to the needs of the Royal Malaysian Police.

As Malaysia continues to fight and move into the endemic phase, it is a must to ensure that everyone is safe, especially our front-liners.
Our policemen being amongst the frontliners, deal with the public daily, rendering them extremely vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. Thus, they need adequate Personal Protective Equipment to ensure their safety.
Some members of the SONPP have observed that the Police were not using face shields. This was brought to the attention of the Committee and after a brief survey amongst police officers- it was found that they were indeed short of face shields. A donation drive was carried out amongst the SONPP members to purchase 10,000 face shields.
Members of the Preceptory - Dato’ Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy (right in the picture) and Mr Arthur Yeong (left) represented SONPP in presenting 5,000 pieces of the face-shields to the Chief Police Officer of Perak - Commissioner Dato’ Pahlawan Mior Faridalathrash bin Wahid (middle).
This Handover Ceremony took place at the CPO’s office at the Perak Police Headquarters, Ipoh, on the 15th of October 2021 at 3 pm.
The Society also distributed the remaining face-shields to the Royal Malaysian Police in Penang (3,000 pieces) and Kedah (2,000 pieces).
This will hopefully help ensure that our Police front-liners are safe whilst performing their arduous duties.
