STEWARDS’ LODGE on the move once again -Communicating light and happiness to those who seek it
This time in Ipoh , 23rd of March , 2024
By W Bro, Kulavarasalingam Chelliah
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The current Stewards Lodge Worshipful Master, W Bro Laang Jhe How summoned the Brethren to hold their Regular election Meeting on Saturday, the 23rd of March, at 11.00 am at the Dewan Freemason, Ipoh, Perak. The purpose of moving the meeting from Read Masonic Center, Kuala Lumpur, to Ipoh, was to hold a “Greet and Meet The Rulers” Luncheon for all the Brethren in the North West region of Peninsular Malaysia, which includes Ipoh, Taping, Penang, and Kedah.

Our District Grand Master (DGM), RW Bro Dato Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, who is also a member of the Stewards Lodge, graced the occasion together with two of his three Assistant DGMs, WB Dato Dr Sivanesan Sivalingam and WB Raji Ramason. At this meeting, WB V. Venkatramanan was elected as Worship Master Elect.

Immediately after the meeting, the Brethren of Stewards’ Lodge and other Brethren and their spouses joined the luncheon organized to mingle with our Rulers. We again had the presence of RW DGM and the Assistant DGM, WB Raji Ramason, and WB Sivanesan Sivalingam.
A total of 70 Brethren had travelled from Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, and, of course, the Perak Brethren. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship, especially the whole roasted pig to consume. It was a memorable afternoon, and we must thank WB Ong Tee Chew for a successful outing.
The Eastern Archipelago District Grand Stewards’ Lodge No. 9888 (EADGSL) was Consecrated on September 7, 2013. They meet twice a year, on the 4th Saturday of March to hold their regular election meeting and again on the 4th Saturday of September.
The Brethren of the Stewards Lodge are immediately recognized by their distinctive Red Aprons. The Steward’s Lodge is fashioned after the Grand Steward Lodge of the United Grand Lodge of England.

The Grand Stewards' Lodge, uniquely in the English Constitution, has no number. It has been in this position since 18th April 1792 when it was 'placed at the Head of the List by order of the Grand Lodge' and given the name it now holds.
The predecessor of this Lodge was not noted in the earliest engraved lists of 1723-24 and 1725, but the 1729 list notes a Stewards' Lodge, No. 117, meeting at Shakespeare's Head Tavern, Covent Garden. It was this Stewards' Lodge, allocated No. 47 in 1781 and meeting in the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, which became the Grand Stewards' Lodge eleven years later.
From the earliest days, Freemasons appear to have held an annual feast. After the formation of the Grand Lodge, this tradition continued, and Stewards assisted the Grand Wardens in organizing these festivals. In 1724, Grand Lodge attempted to form a regular Board of Twelve Stewards, but such regularity was not achieved until 1728 when these twelve led the masonic procession into the hall for the festivities. Each of these Stewards was granted the power to choose his successor to assist at the next Grand Feast.
The Eastern Archipelagos District Grand Stewards’ Lodge fulfills the need for a Lodge of service and support to the Right Worshipful District Grand Master and the District. The Lodge's objectives are to set the highest standards in all of its work, both at Lodge meetings and within the District, and to increase the Masonic education and broaden the Masonic experience of its members and the Craft in general.
The duties of the Lodge and its membership include stewarding at the Half Year and Annual District Meetings and if called on to help at or organize other such prestigious occasions as directed by the District Grand Master.
