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The Silver Kris Award - A Symbol of Excellence for working the revised ritual

Worship Brother Ikhram Merican

The first recipient of Baldwyn Lowick Lodge’s Silver Kris award

Thursday, 16 November 2023 at 6.30pm,

Read Masonic Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


By: Bro Stephen Paul Francis – Senior Warden

Worship Brother Ikhram Merican,  Past Master of the Lodge all but flawlessly worked the second degree of  the established Revised Ritual used by Baldwyn Lowick Lodge in a manner which may only described as exemplary by a special panel of independent judges.


The Silver Kris lapel pin of Baldwyn Lowick Lodge commemorates the accomplishment of the feat requiring perfect memory, exemplary performance and ritual ability of the highest order.


Why The Kris? The origin of the Kris is found in the Hindu/Buddhist Mataram Kingdom of Central Java (8th-12th Century). The Kris, is a traditional asymmetrical dagger subsequently found in the region, in Indonesia, Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Cambodia and the southern Philippines.

It is known for its distinctive wavy blade and is often considered a symbol of craftsmanship in the region. The Kris is not only a weapon but like Masonry is employed as a symbol of status, of spirituality, and of artistic expression.

Such cultural affiliation makes the Kris a most appropriate symbol of excellence when working  the Revised Masonic Ritual widely used in Malaysia and our own Baldwyn Lowick Lodge No 7004 E.C.

The Baldwyn Lowick Silver Kris Award initiative is based on an idea from W Bro Russell Stuart , a Past Master of the Lodge. It is meant to set the highest benchmark of  Excellence when working Revised Ritual while at the same time lifting the level of interest among the Brethren to deliver Ritual at the highest standard.

The Committee formed from Past Masters in and of the Lodge, quickly agreed to adopt the Kris to represent as the Symbol of excellence. Silver was decided upon as the most appropriate medium. Manufacture of the approved design was overseen by W Bro Ian Ellston. The standards and criterion to qualify for the award were laid out as follows:

Delivery of the established Revised Ritual and the rubrics adopted by Baldwyn Lowick Lodge

The Master must conduct a near flawless working of what is known colloquially as “The Royal Flush”, in open lodge with an actual Candiate for the degree present.

● The Master must deliver all workings of the degree, including  the Obligation, Signs & Secrets, Charity Charge, Working Tools, the Lectures and supporting pieces of Ritual 

● Success demands a near flawless delivery with not more than three (3) errors in ritual delivery - a wrong word, a pause in the wrong place or a hesitation; and not more than three (3) errors laid out in the rubrics - these include movements in and out of the chair through e.g. hesitation, gesticulations with the hands, misuse of gavel, errors in signs and secrets.

● Three (3) Judges, drawn from former Lodge DoCs. will be appointed to independently assess the performance of the Candidate for consideration

The participation of the candidate does not guarantee that they will qualify to receive a Silver Kris Award- it must be earned.


With much anticipation on Thursday, 16 November 2023 at 6.30pm, Baldwyn Lowick Lodge  held an emergency meeting at the Read Masonic Centre where W Bro Ikhram could attempt to earn the first ever Silver Kris Award.  The dream was finally to become a reality.


There the current Worshipful Master, W Bro Roger M Desloriuex, graciously acceded to the request to allow Worshipful Brother Ikhram Merican to assume authority over the Lodge for the purposes of qualifying for the first ever Silver Kris Award by performing in full the Second Degree working from the opening to the closing of the degree.  Three (3) separate and independent judges were employed to evaluate his performance.


In front of an assembly of sixty of his BLL Brethren and visiting Brother Masons, Worshipful Brother Ikhram Merican passed the candidate Brother Ali Quarashi to the Degree of Fellowcraft as he successfully satisfied the panel of expert judges to become the first recipient of Baldwyn Lowick Lodge’s Silver Kris Award. By his exemplary achievement he has set a most high bar for all others who may follow in his foot-steps.


It is expected that the Silver Kris Award will be an annual event and personal challenge to Past Masters of the Lodge so as to place their name in the annuals of Baldwyn Lowick history. This challenge is strictly voluntary and gives all a chance to demonstrate their ability and more importantly willingness to try to meet the Benchmark of Excellence that the award embodies. Prospective Worshipful Masters for the next three (3) years have made commitments to undertake the challenge, should their appointments be confirmed. However, most importantly, it provides a benchmark that will bring an internal focus to the delivery of Baldwyn Ritual. Finally, it is hoped this Initiative will inspire our younger Masons to maintain the proud history of floorwork in Baldwyn Lowick Lodge.


We hope to see you at the next meeting where a BLL Past Master attempts this beautiful challenge. Watch out for our Summons!



Of the

The Baldwyn Lowick Silver Kris Organising Committee

Worshipful Master, WBro Roger Deslorieux. WBro Russell Stuart, WBro Seelan Chelliah, WBro Harry Cheah, WBro Ian Ellston. WBro David Oakley, WBro Lawrence Sunderam.



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