Visit to Amritsar by the District Grand Lodge of Eastern Archipelago – September 2024
Compiled by Bro Sreedhar Sivasambu

Consecration of Devon Chapter No.1999 EC on 27th September
In September 2024, a 40-member delegation from the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago (DGLEA), led by Right Worshipful District Grand Master Dato' Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, visited Amritsar, India, for the Annual Communication and Convocation of the District Grand Lodge of Northern India (DGLNI).
The event began on September 27 with the consecration of Chapter Devon No. 1999 EC—the first new chapter in DGLNI since 1965. Dato' Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy, serving as the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent of the District Grand Chapter of Eastern Archipelago (DGCEA), participated in the consecration alongside leaders from other chapters. District 2nd Grand Principal, EComp Dr. Richard Tan, was also present.

EComp Dr. Richard Tan with companions from the District Grand Chapter of Eastern Archipelago

The Rulers from the various districts with their officers at the Annual Communication

DGM of DGNLI RW Bro Pokalath Vijay Kumar

Location of Amritsar, at the border of India and Pakistan
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